Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 5, 2011 HUM 211 Blog 9

The Iliad begins and ends in media res, or in the middle of things.  Literally there is no real ending allowing the story to continue.  Other things we have read this semester in media res are:  Bel Canto, this story begins during a performance in an opera house and we are left to wonder what happened to Roxeanne Coss and her marriage to Wantabe.  The Canterbury Tales might offer another example.

Homer elects to use the Greek work menis because this word describes more than RAGE.  The reader is to grasp the idea of not only Achilles intense anger, but his feelings of loss.  The term menis is reserved for godlike figures and commanders during the era of the Iliad.

Who’s to blame for the Trojan War? Looks like a few women could bear this title.  Helen of Troy’s actions did not ignite the war, though she is looked upon as the instigator.  Aphrodite is likely the perpetrator since she offered Paris the reward of Helen, now the most beautiful woman in the world, even though she was married to Menelaus.  Paris traveled to claim his prize and was welcomed as a guest in their home.  Paris eventually stole Helen from Menelaus.  (Though, had Paris kept himself at home and not chased another man's wife.....)

To portray the beautiful Helen of Troy, I would choose a young woman.  Perhaps Katherine Heigl would portray a lovely Helen of Troy!

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