Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog 10, November 11, 2013

Kleos refers to “having glory.”  Generally, a hero would obtain kleos through great deeds and accomplished through his own death, generally in battle.  It is more glorified for one to die in battle then die naturally.  In the paradox, the tortoise is afforded a head start.  Achilles is certain he can outrun or out smart the tortoise.  Achilles’ is not able to gain the tortoise because he continues to move slow and steady.  No matter how fast Achilles runs, the tortoise will lead him.  Achilles is on a path of infinite regression.  The tortoise is ahead and will remain ahead.  The paradox is found in Book 16 (Lombardo p 330, lines 884-894) and From Book 17 (Lombardo p 336, lines 123-129).

Achilles’ inhumane treatment of the Trojans is one example of the deeds performed by Achilles’ following the death of Patroclus.  Achilles’ single handedly divides the Trojan War.  The waters are consumed by corpses, blood turns the water red.  Achilles vows to continue killing until the Trojans are driven away.  After Patroclus death, Achilles words and actions become dark.  Achilles’ preferred Lycaon die and not Patroclus.  This instigated Achilles’ to perform inhumane acts, resulting in brutal deaths to those during the Trojan War.  Achilles took no mercy upon them as their bodies littered the waters.

Priam also exhibits inhumanity during his deeds; after the death of Hector, Priam invokes the memory of Achilles’ father.  Achilles’ was moved by the invocation thus bringing Hector’s son’s body back to Troy for proper burial and funeral games.    

A modern celebrity to portray Achilles:  Ryan Reynolds   
To portray Hector:  George Clooney


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