Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013, Blog post #3

 Act One

Shakespeare's Hamlet offers much intrigue! In the first act, we are introduced to Prince Hamlet, his father King Hamlet, appearing as a ghost.  Prince Hamlet's mother Gertrude, her new husband and uncle to Hamlet, Claudius. Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes, also the Lord of Chamberlain.  Macellus and Horoatio, friends of Hamlet.  Early on, Prince Hamlet is seen as grieving his father as his mother and uncle are married just after King Hamlet's death.  The prince is disgusted by this arrangement.  Claudius inherits the throne and urges Hamlet to halt his grieving and partake in the celebration of his mother's marriage and the institution of the new king.  Meanwhile, Polonius urges his daughter Ophelia to not fall for Prince Hamlet.  He tells Ophelia she is not good enough for Hamlet.Of these main characters, Claudius seems to  be the most calculated.  He married his dead brother's widow to secure his place on the throne.  Hamlet's suspicious of Claudius murdering the late King.  His suspicions are confirmed as the ghost explains to Hamlet how his death occurred at the hands of Claudius.  Early on, Claudius is the evil one, deceiving Gertrude.

Who is "rotten" in the state of Denmark? Marcellus worries that King Hamlet's appearance is in premonition of something horrible that is about to Denmark.  Maybe a military strike.  The ghost is a visible reminder of Claudius' incestuous, poor behavior and the dark omen in Denmark.

The ghost visits Hamlet for forewarn him of impending danger.  And to provide clarity to Prince Hamlet surrounding the untimely death of his father.  The ghost is a symptom of the corruption that is happening in Denmark brought on by Claudius.

 Even Hamlet is unsure if his father's ghost is evil or heaven sent.  By this point, Hamlet no longer values his own life and sees no harm in following the ghost into the dark.  Purgatory holds this ghost from the gates of heaven.  The ghost recites that he is doomed" to suffer in "sulph'rous and tormenting flames" until the "foul crimes done in [his] days of nature / Are burnt and purged away."

Victor Garber would be my choice to portray the ghost of King Hamlet.  The actor should be strong in presence with a gentle nature, though taken seriously by his audience.      
Elsinore Castle:  Kronborg Castle was immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The castle was built in the early 1400's and is located in Helsinger, Denmark and still stands today.  It is considered one of the most important Renaissance castles in Europe.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10, 2013 Blog 2 part 2 (Casting)

Roxanne Coss played by:  To me Anne Hathaway more than proved her talents in Les Miserable.  She snagged an Academy Award for her performance.  Her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream, " still echoes in my head.   

Hosokawa:  I am certainly having a difficult time with this casting call.  Hosokawa should be played by an older, debonair gentleman.  This photo of Francis Ng grabbed my attention.  He shows a kind face and inviting eyes.  He is soft in his appearance, as I would imagine this character to be after meeting and spending so much time with Coss.

Gen:   This kind gentle spirit should be portrayed by Lee Byung-Hunn.  In this photo, his gentility protrudes as he leans forward in an effort to interact with his audience, much like Gen did in the novel.

Carmen:  Jessica Alba to portray Carmen.  She is young and beautiful though this is hidden by her terrorist costume.  Jessica's petite frame and small face capture the innocence felt by Carmen's character in Bel Canto.  

Surprised by the ending?  Although we all would have like to Hosokawa and Coss run off into the sunset, it jsut could not end that way.  They shared their love for one another in the mansion and that is where the love had to stay.  Their relationship would not have earned such importance had it continued after the take over.  As for Coss and Wantabe marrying, I think this is a suitable fit.  These two now have a shared history.  They know each other's life without much study.  It is almost in memorial of the hostage crisis these two marry.  Thier lives will pay homage to their fallen soul mates.

September 10, 2013 Blog 2 pt 1

When Roxeanne Coss sings the aira from Barber of Seville, she expresses her forecast of how she views the upcoming events.  Coss realizes her relationship with Hosokawa will not likely continue after they are released.  She states that her talent will be worth more, double, maybe triple the revenue she was earning prior to the hostage crisis.  Coss realizes her heart maybe broken after the crisis ends.  Both the hostages and the terrorists have formed such strong bonds during this time and their realization the end is closer they care to think about.  It seems appropriate that Coss might choose this aira; its symbolism of a wounded heart captures her feelings and foreshadows the actual wounding of the man she has fallen in love with.

Comic relief seems only intentional at this point in the novel.  The end is very near, the hostages have already witnessed death.  In an epic unlikelihood, the hostages and terrorists have bonded and some fallen in love.  The sheer analysis of this drama might prove comic considering the oddity of the characters and their chance meeting.