Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013, Blog 10, Being Human

What does it mean to be human?

In report to my home galaxy, I will explain a few of my experiences during my visit to Earth and what it means to be human. I have found a few common links dating back several hundred years. All in all, the innate need to feel important, loved and desired is exhibited throughout the course of my stay. During my research, I was able to compare my experiences with that of many fictional characters.

It is quite obvious that the woman of ancient Greek times are taught to be subservient to the men in their families. They are to stifle their opinions and walk in the shadows of their male counterparts. Though the beauty of Helen of Troy transforms the course of a country. Helen is looked upon as the most beautiful woman in the world, thus causing a great uproar in Troy, leading to the Trojan War. Though we cannot link the war directly to her, she is certainly a symptom of the war. This ideal of beauty has not changed through the course of history. Roxanne Coss exhibits not only beauty but charm, style and her beautiful voice. Just like Helen, Roxanne was loved for her beauty and abilities. In Bel Canto, we see how Hosokawa risked everything for the opportunity to love Coss. He came to a foreign country as a married man, just for the chance to meet Coss. Eventually, his love for Coss cost him his life.

Paris or Alexander did the same. He heard about Helen of Troy and her winning the title of most beautiful woman in the world. He wanted her for himself. He risked everything to be with her. Paris went to Troy and even stayed with his good friend, Melenus, Helen's husband. Paris was treated as an equal until he took Helen from Melenus, thus causing the Trojan War.

Although a war did not break out for Coss and Hosokawa, it was his love for her that brought him to this poor, underprivileged nation. Hosokawa was among many that was taken hostage for several months. During this time of siege, the two fell in love. Though like the Trojan War, it ended in tragedy. Why compare the two? Generally it demonstrates a theory that the attraction between a man and a woman does not change. The willingness of a man to conquer the woman he loves is exhibited time and time again.

In further demonstration of the same theory, we look at Samson and Delilah. Another story of epic proportion. Samson, a god-fearing Israelite, wanted to a Philistine bride. In his pursuit, he meets a very beautiful Delilah. Samson is quite strong and seen as a protector to his people. After they married, Delilah was offered money by the Philistines to give them Sampson's secret. His strength. After several attempts to unveil Sampson's secret, Delilah learned his strength is from his long locks of hair. While he slept, Delilah cut his hair and received her reward. Sampson was so in love with her, he did not realize her plight to destroy him. Again, we are shown the power of love and desire.

Delilah strips a sleeping Samson of his might...his locks of hair.


Moving to another strange observation of this theory, we look at the story of Hamlet. The son of a king who recently passed away, Hamlet holds the future of his country in his hands. King Hamlet's, Claudis, murdered the King, then assumed his place both on the throne and as his widow's husband. Claudis wanted what King Hamlet had and would stop at nothing to get it. Through the story, young Hamlet works to avenge his father's death. All the while, Claudis works to defile Hamlet ultimately ordering his death. This exhibition of jealousy speaks to just how far one would go to ensure their own happiness. Just like Delilah, Claudis wanted his reward and stopped at nothing to gain it. It is in the true spirit of selfish behavior that Claudis behaved the way he did.

Speaking of selfish behavior, we see a prime example of this again in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Many stories are woven together as we follow the fate of the traveler's heading to the site of St. Thomas Beckett. The shining example of greed has to be the Pardoner. The Pardoner is a priest of sorts. Although he follows the Catholic faith, his behavior defiles the religion in many ways. Pardoners love for money had them to take advantage of the faithful. These so called priests would sell souls from purgatory, offer miracles for a price all for their own gain. Again, the need for the male to satisfy how own desires is more important than the difficulties their actions would cause others. 

Ahhh...the Glory of Love!


Even though the characters I have presented here exhibit some sort of defining greed, be it love or money, they all share a common theme. The need to be the hero! Hosokawa wanted to be a hero to Coss, Paris to Helen as he fought the war. Sampson and his fight to protect his people. Each story has a character in kleos, the idea that dying in battle is much more respected than dying naturally. Sounds like an ego thing! Ultimately these men were looking for respect and honor.

In present day, we look to determine if those in the 21st century are concerned with kleos. Are there modern day heros looking to die with respect in this fashion? I would think that would certainly be up for debate. Not that anyone is traveling oceans to find the most beautiful and start wars, but there is something to be said about dying with dignity. Of course we honor those that die in battle, they have given their life for our freedom. But what about the old man lying in a nursing home bed? Is he indignant? Because he has become old and grown dependent has he lost his dignity? Surely not! He is still a father, a husband and a child of God. Just like all of our characters and those we met on this journey. The great link seen through out history is that of wanting what we seemingly can't have. Whether is be the fortune, the fame, the woman, the man or the bragging rights. 

In this video...Freddie Mercury leads Queen in "I Want it All"


Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog 10, November 11, 2013

Kleos refers to “having glory.”  Generally, a hero would obtain kleos through great deeds and accomplished through his own death, generally in battle.  It is more glorified for one to die in battle then die naturally.  In the paradox, the tortoise is afforded a head start.  Achilles is certain he can outrun or out smart the tortoise.  Achilles’ is not able to gain the tortoise because he continues to move slow and steady.  No matter how fast Achilles runs, the tortoise will lead him.  Achilles is on a path of infinite regression.  The tortoise is ahead and will remain ahead.  The paradox is found in Book 16 (Lombardo p 330, lines 884-894) and From Book 17 (Lombardo p 336, lines 123-129).

Achilles’ inhumane treatment of the Trojans is one example of the deeds performed by Achilles’ following the death of Patroclus.  Achilles’ single handedly divides the Trojan War.  The waters are consumed by corpses, blood turns the water red.  Achilles vows to continue killing until the Trojans are driven away.  After Patroclus death, Achilles words and actions become dark.  Achilles’ preferred Lycaon die and not Patroclus.  This instigated Achilles’ to perform inhumane acts, resulting in brutal deaths to those during the Trojan War.  Achilles took no mercy upon them as their bodies littered the waters.

Priam also exhibits inhumanity during his deeds; after the death of Hector, Priam invokes the memory of Achilles’ father.  Achilles’ was moved by the invocation thus bringing Hector’s son’s body back to Troy for proper burial and funeral games.    

A modern celebrity to portray Achilles:  Ryan Reynolds   
To portray Hector:  George Clooney


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 5, 2011 HUM 211 Blog 9

The Iliad begins and ends in media res, or in the middle of things.  Literally there is no real ending allowing the story to continue.  Other things we have read this semester in media res are:  Bel Canto, this story begins during a performance in an opera house and we are left to wonder what happened to Roxeanne Coss and her marriage to Wantabe.  The Canterbury Tales might offer another example.

Homer elects to use the Greek work menis because this word describes more than RAGE.  The reader is to grasp the idea of not only Achilles intense anger, but his feelings of loss.  The term menis is reserved for godlike figures and commanders during the era of the Iliad.

Who’s to blame for the Trojan War? Looks like a few women could bear this title.  Helen of Troy’s actions did not ignite the war, though she is looked upon as the instigator.  Aphrodite is likely the perpetrator since she offered Paris the reward of Helen, now the most beautiful woman in the world, even though she was married to Menelaus.  Paris traveled to claim his prize and was welcomed as a guest in their home.  Paris eventually stole Helen from Menelaus.  (Though, had Paris kept himself at home and not chased another man's wife.....)

To portray the beautiful Helen of Troy, I would choose a young woman.  Perhaps Katherine Heigl would portray a lovely Helen of Troy!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, Blog 8 

Comparing the two songs, "Soak Up the Sun" and "The Best Things in Life Are Free." provoke feelings of justification for me.  Basically, its how I live my life, enjoy the simple stuff! "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got, " really sums it up for me.  Aristotle speaks about simple pleasures in "Nicomachean Ethics" saying that "a life of money making is one undertaken under compulsion, and wealth is evidently not the good we are seeking: for it is merely useful...." Just at the lyrics in "The Best Things In Life Are Free," the moon and stars belong to all of us, we can all enjoy them and there is no cost.  In both songs, the lyricist describe how they enjoy life.  Soaking up the sun or enjoying the flowers.  Aristotle points begs the question "what do we mean by the good?" Its seems that this is the beckoning question...what is the good? Does it lie in material possessions? or in the simple things in life?

REAL happiness is self sufficient! "Happiness depends on ourselves." It does not come from money, pleasure or fame.  It is what you must require of yourself.  Having money or goods is more desirable, though not the root of one's happiness.  Happiness is because of virtue, not material possessions.  Most people think or believe the addition of goods makes them happy.  Aristotle argues against this point basically saying the virtues of honor, wisdom create happiness.  Virtues are not bought with money or fame as these ideals are for the sake of something else.  Happiness is  fundamental and a foundation for one to enjoy tangible goods in this life.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog 7 October 21, 2013

The lyrics in the aria "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix"  seem to soften Delilah's persona more so than the KJV in the Old Testament.  The Philistines saw that Samson was in love with a "harlot," or prostitute.  They wanted Samson dead because he was a Nazi-rite and possessed brute strength.  Samson was a gentile and loved the Lord.  In the story, Delilah nearly badgers Samson to reveal the source of his strength.  Samson offers many explanations, though not until he admits his strength is in his hair, is Delilah successful in helping the Phillistines defeat Samson.  The aria seems to allow Delilah to beckon Samson because she is in love with him.  Samson even replies, "Delilah, Delilah, I love you!"  Delilah does not out right ask for Samson's secret, though she expresses her love and asks Samson to trust in her.  In the video performance, Delilah cradles Samson.  He appears weak and subject to her pleas.

In a modern day production, I would choose Beyonce.  She is not only stunning as a woman, her appearance in this photo shows her soft and sultry side.  No doubt Samson would have a hard time saying no to this face!
As for a modern day Samson, I would choose a long haired Brad Pitt.  Pitt is strong in his presence and would be an ideal match for Beyonce as Delilah.
Brad Pitt

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog 6 October 2013

The Pardoner, in the context of Medieval Catholicism is someone who exploits believers for their own financial gain.  Commonly the Pardoner will sell false relics, forgiveness and even salvation.  His only goal is to profit financially. 

The Pardoner’s tale is an exemplum; the purpose is to establish a moral point. It is a moral anecdote used to illustrate a point made by the author. The Pardoners Tale is an exemplum that proves that greed can be a root of evil. When the men find the treasure they do not want to share. They all plan to kill each other but end up killing each other and nobody gets the treasure. Because of the hypocritical behavior of the Pardoner, the moral anecdote is found.  The Pardoner anticipated a much different outcome than the men killing each other.  They were greedy and selfish, thus dying over the treasure instead of sharing it.  Just as the Pardoner is greedy, taking money from believers hoping for forgiveness and other religious favor.

The three men were sent on a crooked path to find “death” under an old tree.  What they found excited them; eight bushels of gold coins.  After drawing lots, the first of the three men went into town to buy bread and wine, while he was away the other two men plotted to kill him.  The first man, who traveled into town, also decided to kill his friends with “strong and violent” poisoned wine.  Just as planned, the first man was murdered as he returned to the camp.  The other two men celebrated by drinking the wine, which was poisoned, then soon died.

 For the Pardoner, I would choose a matured actor, someone believable.  A young Anthony Hopkins would suffice.  He is often seen as brilliant in his acting while his presence of mystery is always apparent.

A picture of death:  
Have to admit, I had a hard time selecting an image.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog 5, October 7, 2013

In reading Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, I find the characters represent a diverse cross-section of England’s society at that time.  This is a chance meeting for these pilgrims as they make their journey to Canterbury to honor Saint Thomas Beckett at the Canterbury Cathedral. 

I am not certain that any character is real or pure in heart.  Though there are two that I find more believable than the others.  At first I though about the friar; a Catholic priest who corrupt ways allows him to ignore lepers and beggars. The Catholic Church was quite corrupt in the 14th century and it would not be unusual for friars to ask for money, cater to the rich and ignore those less fortunate.  At first, the friar did catch my attention.  Then I read again about the Knight.  He seems stoic, iconic in some regards.  He maintains dignity and honor throughout the journey.  The father of the handsome squire, the Knight seems to uphold his duties as a leader.

Also, I found interest with the Prioress, a head Catholic nun joining the journey, though at the same time facing “courtly love.”   Chaucer pays close attention to her habits, how she eats, wipes her mouth and drinks from her cup.  She seems more human than others, though not so believable as a religious figure.

Overall, I find it difficult to understand who is real and who is not.  The narrator uses qualities from each pilgrim in describing them and at times, these characteristics just seem so unbelievable; especially for those taking a religious journey. Perhaps more than just two are real and Chaucer flexes his literary arm in his descriptions allowing the reader to understand the characters a bit more.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog 4, October 2013

WEREWOLF:  A person who (according to mediƦval superstition) was transformed or was capable of transforming himself at times into a wolf; †also, an exceptionally large and ferocious wolf.

It could be argued both ways in reference to who is seen at the monstrous one in “Bisclarvert,” a story by Marie de France.  The wife had watched her husband disappear weekly for three full days.  She pressured him to be truthful as to the nature of his disappearance.  Finally, he gave in and explained to his wife that he became a werewolf for those three days.  Bislclavert attempts to include his wife in his secret.  Though she denies him and marries another man.  Initially, the werewolf is seen as the monster.  Though once the King sees the lone wolf in the forest and the wolf demonstrates gentility, the role of Bislclavert changes.  The King then takes the wolf to the palace to live.  Once in the castle, Bislclavert sees his wife and her new beau.  The wolf bites off the nose of his former wife causing her grave disfigurement.  Subsequently, all of her offspring are born without a nose. Oddly, she is then seen as the monstrous one.

Wulf and Eadwacer

Trying to understand the interpretations of this poem leads to debates for me as a reader.  Who is the woman married to? Both Wulf and Eadwacer are male characters, though are they the same character? I am honestly not sure.  In the poem, Eadwacer is not used as a proper noun, and the term means property owner.  It is likely she is married to Eadwacer, or Eadwacer is a representative of her lover’s manhood.  Wulf is likely her offspring, maybe the child of the woman’s and Eadwacer.  Her relationship with Eadwacer could be one of love/lust or he represents the manhood she longs for her “whelp” or her child. In analyzing this text, a third idea is brought forth; a love triangle where the woman speaks of her love for these two men.  However modern this poem is, not often was a sexual relationship discussed during this century.

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013, Blog post #3

 Act One

Shakespeare's Hamlet offers much intrigue! In the first act, we are introduced to Prince Hamlet, his father King Hamlet, appearing as a ghost.  Prince Hamlet's mother Gertrude, her new husband and uncle to Hamlet, Claudius. Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes, also the Lord of Chamberlain.  Macellus and Horoatio, friends of Hamlet.  Early on, Prince Hamlet is seen as grieving his father as his mother and uncle are married just after King Hamlet's death.  The prince is disgusted by this arrangement.  Claudius inherits the throne and urges Hamlet to halt his grieving and partake in the celebration of his mother's marriage and the institution of the new king.  Meanwhile, Polonius urges his daughter Ophelia to not fall for Prince Hamlet.  He tells Ophelia she is not good enough for Hamlet.Of these main characters, Claudius seems to  be the most calculated.  He married his dead brother's widow to secure his place on the throne.  Hamlet's suspicious of Claudius murdering the late King.  His suspicions are confirmed as the ghost explains to Hamlet how his death occurred at the hands of Claudius.  Early on, Claudius is the evil one, deceiving Gertrude.

Who is "rotten" in the state of Denmark? Marcellus worries that King Hamlet's appearance is in premonition of something horrible that is about to Denmark.  Maybe a military strike.  The ghost is a visible reminder of Claudius' incestuous, poor behavior and the dark omen in Denmark.

The ghost visits Hamlet for forewarn him of impending danger.  And to provide clarity to Prince Hamlet surrounding the untimely death of his father.  The ghost is a symptom of the corruption that is happening in Denmark brought on by Claudius.

 Even Hamlet is unsure if his father's ghost is evil or heaven sent.  By this point, Hamlet no longer values his own life and sees no harm in following the ghost into the dark.  Purgatory holds this ghost from the gates of heaven.  The ghost recites that he is doomed" to suffer in "sulph'rous and tormenting flames" until the "foul crimes done in [his] days of nature / Are burnt and purged away."

Victor Garber would be my choice to portray the ghost of King Hamlet.  The actor should be strong in presence with a gentle nature, though taken seriously by his audience.      
Elsinore Castle:  Kronborg Castle was immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The castle was built in the early 1400's and is located in Helsinger, Denmark and still stands today.  It is considered one of the most important Renaissance castles in Europe.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10, 2013 Blog 2 part 2 (Casting)

Roxanne Coss played by:  To me Anne Hathaway more than proved her talents in Les Miserable.  She snagged an Academy Award for her performance.  Her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream, " still echoes in my head.   

Hosokawa:  I am certainly having a difficult time with this casting call.  Hosokawa should be played by an older, debonair gentleman.  This photo of Francis Ng grabbed my attention.  He shows a kind face and inviting eyes.  He is soft in his appearance, as I would imagine this character to be after meeting and spending so much time with Coss.

Gen:   This kind gentle spirit should be portrayed by Lee Byung-Hunn.  In this photo, his gentility protrudes as he leans forward in an effort to interact with his audience, much like Gen did in the novel.

Carmen:  Jessica Alba to portray Carmen.  She is young and beautiful though this is hidden by her terrorist costume.  Jessica's petite frame and small face capture the innocence felt by Carmen's character in Bel Canto.  

Surprised by the ending?  Although we all would have like to Hosokawa and Coss run off into the sunset, it jsut could not end that way.  They shared their love for one another in the mansion and that is where the love had to stay.  Their relationship would not have earned such importance had it continued after the take over.  As for Coss and Wantabe marrying, I think this is a suitable fit.  These two now have a shared history.  They know each other's life without much study.  It is almost in memorial of the hostage crisis these two marry.  Thier lives will pay homage to their fallen soul mates.

September 10, 2013 Blog 2 pt 1

When Roxeanne Coss sings the aira from Barber of Seville, she expresses her forecast of how she views the upcoming events.  Coss realizes her relationship with Hosokawa will not likely continue after they are released.  She states that her talent will be worth more, double, maybe triple the revenue she was earning prior to the hostage crisis.  Coss realizes her heart maybe broken after the crisis ends.  Both the hostages and the terrorists have formed such strong bonds during this time and their realization the end is closer they care to think about.  It seems appropriate that Coss might choose this aira; its symbolism of a wounded heart captures her feelings and foreshadows the actual wounding of the man she has fallen in love with.

Comic relief seems only intentional at this point in the novel.  The end is very near, the hostages have already witnessed death.  In an epic unlikelihood, the hostages and terrorists have bonded and some fallen in love.  The sheer analysis of this drama might prove comic considering the oddity of the characters and their chance meeting.